Monday, September 05, 2022

Julie Andrews, Freud's Lecture, Cosmic Solitude

I had a disturbing dream. Julie Andrews was in the house and she, myself and others here sang in an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, something 'light' like My Fair Lady. Afterwards, I forgot what the musical was, though one or two songs remained in my mind, and gradually I started to forget any one song too. I asked Julie what music we had just performed and she was about to say when, like me, she realised that she had forgotten, and then everyone else in the house had also forgotten, though it seemed so fresh, just at the edge of memory. We were amazed, frustrated and worried that we couldn't recall this basic fact. I awoke with a headache, one of trying to remember something. It was quite a horrible experience.

For the first hour of the morning I listened to the entirety of Keith Jarrett's Köln Concert.

I started work on music and completed Freud's Lecture to a first draft, I tuned up the cello an octave and it worked better with the piano. At lunch I switched on the television and it was showing an hour-long special programme about the life of Julie Andrews, quite a coincidence.

In the afternoon I worked on Cosmic Solitude, simple strings complementing the piano, nothing more. Then I started work on the Empathy With Daisies main piano part, which I had hoped to sequence rather than play because I'd like it to sound fairly regular, but I might end up playing it anyway.