Friday, September 02, 2022

Social Thursday, Freud's Lecture Begins

A busy day yesterday, started with my monthly backups, then listened to a BBC Front Row episode extract about pianist Riopy. Then recorded the basic piano part for Freud's Lecture and started work on some final program upgrades for Prometheus; I want to add MIDI events to the program.

Then, a whir of social activity. Peter arrived for his piano lesson. This has inspired me to write down the fingering for each scale, which will be useful myself, I don't practice these enough and I must master them. As he left, Sue arrived and she chatted with mum then me for a long time. Then food and a trip to see Deb and Simon.

I feel I've done too little in August, but I did set my targets very high, to work on or complete three paintings, when, in effect, the Crewe performance and the more complex Salomé musical arrangements in the recordings have made this impossible. Pushing to something new and better always takes time because there is a lot of experimentation, variations, reaching for new destinations, and most of those are discarded.

Last night I wondered about adding more to Freud's Lecture, it's one of the three more complex, bigger, Salomé works; Truth Seeker, Freud's Lecture and Sit With Your Ghost; yet it's only 2 minutes long. I wondered if I can extend the 'What was your childhood like' part into some variations on the main 4-note melody and a conversation between child and adult notes.

Today I'll mostly be finishing the Prometheus programming. I also have the kitchen box to finish this month, the frame for Love and Wi-Fi to make, a final look and fix up of the Heart of Snow album in preparation for Christmas, as well as this album to finish.