Friday, March 05, 2021

Dreams Of You, Albedo 0.39

Awake at 5am with excruciating stomach pain. Largely too ill to work today but managed to finalise the chords and programmed some string arrangements for Dreams Of You, and worked out some basic tempo and drums. The drums control the feeling so strongly, I'm unsure of how it should all sound, the exact feeling, although the melody and general structure is now finalised. At the moment it sounds more slow than epic, perhaps I need to add the guitars, but I need to finalise the tempo before any live recording. Perhaps I need a different song altogether for this final track. Tomorrow I will stop and do other things for a few days.

I'm now sitting in darkness and listening to Vangelis' Albedo 0.39, my favourite album of the, well, only three of his that I have heard. The others are a bit rubbish. One problem I have with a lot of Vangelis' music is that the balancing booms out the bass and hissy frequencies, cutting out the mid-range so much that it sounds too quiet at any volume. The album Direct is a prime example, I can barely listen to it (also there is so little concept to the disconnected tunes there, beyond having a mild jazzy-ambience, that it comes across as 'testcard music'). Albedo though is strongly space themed, loaded with mystery and imagery and far more interesting on many levels.