Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The Intangible Man, Gynocratic Paedoparanoia, Rain in D

Have spent most of today working on the Chinese translation of The Intangible Man, copying over a corrected story, then doing the same again a few hours later, these final changes. I also designed the cover:

I thought it would be fun to include the English lettering on there ('intangible' can just be seen behind the Chinese).

Then, after 6 weeks, I had a reply from the PRS so could register my music correctly with more confidence, so registered the Myth of Sisyphus tracks. I noticed a stupid typing error in the title of one track, so have requested a correction of this.

Then I started to trace over a new painting idea 'Gynocratic Paedoparanoia'. It's a monolith with repeating thematic elements, with an ethereal face, somewhat like my old idea for an unrealised painting called The Fictitious Secret History of Aspartame, which I've tried to paint 3 times, but failed because the expressive idea sketch is hard to capture.

I then paused, and in my rest of dark had an idea for a piece of music about rain. This requires a recording of rain, and each drop becomes a random note in the D-major scale. A hum or chord of D-major plays, ebbing and flowing with the volume of the rain recording. I put this together using a live recording from Norfolk. The result sounds rather random, like a wind chime. Not unrelaxing, but not beautiful as such, not really musical. Ideally, every aspect would be or could be driven by the natural sounds.