Wednesday, February 23, 2022

IndieSFX Music, Fence Brackets, Farewell SY-85

Well, a super powered day today. I thought about listing the IndieSFX music to a new itch page, but the workload seemed daunting. I started by renaming the 78 or so files for upload, but even then I lacked images for them, and mp3 previews. Then I realised that I'd made some mp3 previews years ago for the pre-2020 website, and found these in my ancient backups, so it looked like I nearly had a full library of music at my virtual fingertips.

I made up some graphics, like this...

...for the 10 different genres, and started to format everything, then created a basic itch page.

Then, a trip to B's to switch roles into a fence repairer. Her fence had shattered in the wind because it was held to a metal gate by plastic tags. The original metal gate had some angle brackets, a [ shape, but one had broken and the remaining one was too weak to hold a whole fence in a storm. I measured up and sawed three new custom sized brackets from sheet steel, added some rounded corners, filed and sanded everything. All of that took a busy but satisfying 60 minutes.

Then back to music, and a test upload, 1 of 78. Then creating new graphics for the main IndieSFX site and creating links to the new music page, then finally creating 78 images for each song.

This evening, my beloved and much used Yamaha SY-85 synthesizer was handed over to a new buyer, a lovely chap and musician named Steve who will be using it for gigging. A perfect new owner. My new one will do the same job and more, but I feel sad for the old one.

Here I am playing it at the Congleton Spiral Staircase performance:

And an overhead shot, perhaps taken by Anastasia, which gives a better idea of what the lighting was like: