Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Song Tidying Admin

A long and tiring day of admin and tidying, how often this takes up my time. My 1000+ song sequences have various plugins, and over time these can be replaced or upgraded, usually with more features added, but this invalidates old sequences, so I've developed a tool in Prometheus to auto-swap old for new, and copy over the parameters, so that even songs from 2004 or so can be loaded and will still play correctly.

At the start of the year, about 14 plugins were obsolete. I've tended to update them one file at a time only when I needed to re-load an old song for whatever reason, but this started to bother me. I'd rather that all of the song files were up to date, so I've spent today finishing a mass conversion process, which involved making a big list of all of the files (hundreds) with older plugins, and typing up lots of command scripts to move/copy, then load, save, convert each one.

One or two plugins need slight changes to work with their modern versions; the Random Pitch II plugin for example now has an upper and lower bound for randomness (you might want one wave to pitch up a bit, a second one to pitch down) but the old version just had one setting, so those had to be set manually. With 1000 songs, loading and checking even 10 or 20 is very time consuming and headache making. I'm getting persistent headaches due to eyestrain and need glasses. I also need a dentist but can't find one of those either.

Well, it's now done. I'm still progressing with MODX programming and designing some test sounds for playing Fall in Green songs, as an exercise as much as anything else.

I want to create something artistic, but may do more admin, this time listing some IndieSFX Music online for sale/donation, as this is presently doing nothing and not available anywhere. This may take a week or more, there are 70-80 tracks, but the way these music sales are, a year or two's worth of sales might not pay for one or two days of work, but perhaps it's better to have some available than not. Again, my sense of neatness and completeness wants them all neat and in good order.