Monday, August 08, 2022

Editing, Salomé Crewe

A full day yesterday of video editing, still feeling remarkably weak, perhaps a symptom of the high summer and its allergies.

Until now, most of my videos have been 720p (1280x720) but these are 1080p (1920x1080), known as Full High Definition. This takes a lot longer and the file sizes are huge. I dread to think how much data a feature film maker processes. After a few years where art was cheap to make due to the digital revolution, art is now expensive again due to arbitrary 'upgrades' like these and costs of data storage and processing. 1280x720 is more than Charlie Chaplin had.

Still, the new videos look amazing, and I have full-quality footage, so I will be using this from now on. I spent yesterday converting the 15 videos. 12 are our performance pieces, plus one of my introduction speech, one small clip of the ending, for fun and prosperity, and a primarily audio clip of Stefano's speech.

I also created a new poster for the Crewe performance on Friday after we committed to doing it, despite a general lack of interest and lack of facilities. I still think it's bizarre that Crewe, a reasonably sized town of 80,000 people, easily a City in America, has the smallest library and worst sports facilities of almost any Cheshire town or village; but this is a long term problem of attitude by the local authorities.

Today, more filing and completion of the work, and preparations for Friday's event, which, this morning, has been shifted from 7pm to 4pm - which has pros and cons. Angus at the library has found us a huge projector screen, which is great news.

The first videos are now live, and I've made my first TikTok post today too. Here's an image from Freud's Lecture, featuring Jane Harland as the knitter: