Thursday, August 18, 2022

Multisamples, Prometheus v2.88

Last night I managed draft recordings of all of the piano parts to Salomé except for (the easy) Empathy With Daisies. Many of these need a lot of time consuming editing to get them right.

This is a bigger project than usual partly because I now have, for the first time, a huge suite of new waveforms from the MODX, and it'll take a long time to experiment with these. I used to use just about one string sample for all of my music, amazing though it is, and I could probably happily use that forever, but now I've added at least 12 new string sections alone, all multisamples of course.

Today I recorded and imported the first piano track and started to add strings, but it seemed to take hours to enter the most basic arrangement, probing the string sounds. The multisample instruments need loading one sample at a time. This can be done once, then the instrument saved out, but this takes up a lot of space, and limits experimentation because I'll rely on that saved one rather than toy with different sample options. So, at 4pm I reprogrammed Prometheus to allow multiple selection of samples, so in one file dialog I can select all of the samples I want and they'll import and automatically attach to a sound. This massively speeds up the process for multisamples.

Don't use multisamples much, mainly for strings, partly because I don't have that many sounds that use them, and for aesthetic and efficiency reasons, but now I have lots, so this feature will really help.

Apart from that, very little was done today, but it is a start.