Spent much of yesterday rendering, converting, and proofing the A Drive Through The Town videos, making a few small changes as needed. Each video has taken about an hour each, with about another hour each for the conversion, rendering, proofing, uploading, filing; those time consuming steps.
There have been a few improvements and innovations, a few pretty moments. I rather liked the skewed camera in 'What Has Happened To My Dreams', as used in parts of 'Incomplete Version Of The Writer', too.
Ready to move on, to return to visual art. After three completely full days I'll rest a little today, and complete the tidying and filing process.
The videos will premiere every Friday at 7pm, starting this week, 12 July 2024, with the videos for the two recent single tracks; then one week's gap, and one video per-week to correspond with the release of the album.
In a strategic move, I've taken all of my music down from Spotify apart from the latest two albums (which I will take down in future). The royalties are too poor, and their whole philosophy of making money of the backs of the thousands of small artists and giving their royalties to the bigger artists, is completely wrong. I'm unlikely to ever return, they would need to hugely change that philosophy.