I awoke late after another night of poor sleep. I read Wikipedia at random, a brief history of Aston Martin. I promoted the new SFXEngine Bolt-On Sale, any sales of which are yet to materialise, and submitted some art to a magazine. This took until 12:30.
After lunch, I decided to prime some of the 6mm MDF sheets I have in stock. This is a big and physically demanding task, I rarely prime large surfaces. Here it makes more sense to prime the big sheets, then cut to size, as it makes the final surfaces smoother. In addition to these two, I primed one 50x120cm sheet. The whole process was messy and frustrating, but the results as smooth as can be expected; good, actually.
After that, I cut them to some useful sizes. One will exactly fit an oddly size frame I have; 382x281mm. One 300x400, one 350x450, one 260x260.
So, the day has flown. I've realised that, in terms of subject, people care about the artist more than the art. This is a certain trend now; was it always so? In contemporary art, people see the subject, but in historical art, people consider the life of the artist at that time instead. So much art on television, the media, is about historical art, rarely ever contemporary. Contemporary art is only in galleries, never in the mainstream media, excepting the odd news story about a ridiculously high auction price.