Monday, August 26, 2019

First Finished Draft

Driven mad today tweaking and endlessly working on the Masculinity Two video. Lots of new segments were filmed yesterday evening and have spent today incorporating these. Like the Fly in Amber video, the initial script proved to be only a slight guide as a lot was changed. The character of the ringmaster has gone completely, and the dance part is now lots of short segments. Many parts are short repeated sections, which I'd prefer not to do, but this can help sometimes too, adding a structure to the video akin to a visual rhyme.

These lips speak the chorus and will be part of the album art:

The video has lots of highly exposed colours, which I had planned, and it gives it a look like the old Nice Video, Shame About The Song video, the imagery of which has remained stuck in my mind since the 1980s and its appearance on the telly. Such is the power of the surreal. Here again is proof that the British consider art comedy.

After over a week, I'm near the end of this video at last. I can now either move onto another new video for fun; this magic time when a piece of art is optional can sometimes create good work in a flash of time, or I can continue work on the music, the album, the book, the single release, any marketing ideas.