Sunday, August 18, 2019

The end of Dreams

A excited night, considering the new Masculinity Two video at 3am, working out possible strategies and scenes. After then sleeping I dreamed of art critic Andrew Graham Dixon, who sat and watched me paint an enormous canvas from a distance (it must have been about 3M by 2M). He called me 'that annoying artist' or something very similar, but liked my work and asked me to visit him at his Nantwich gallery the in the next week, which I considered a good thing. His gallery, which I walked past in the dream, was a posh high-street building with gold lettering, perhaps inspired by Clive Christian's shop there.

So, I woke late to a quieter morning. I recorded a piano tune which I played yesterday at 7am or so. It's a quiet piece in a reflective, Erik Satie sort of style which will form the soundtrack to my video for the next Children's Games ArtSwarm. I thought that I could put the music to a very slow video of children playing, and today made this too.

In the afternoon I recorded two more scenes for the Fly in Amber video, removing a few more too. This video has been my most time consuming so far. The quick (30 mins!) Children's Games one reminded me that I can make some simple videos. I had an idea for a video for the Let's Take a Walk in the Desert song from Tree of Keys. All I need is sand and a skull!

Onward I must push.

I've had the first invites to Art Fair Cheshire, in Macclesfield Town Hall, 26th September to 3rd October. This will be the closest thing I'll have this year to a solo exhibition. I'm disappointed that they didn't invite me to perform, when I made the offer and the suggestion of performances in the first place. However, performance is extra work, and this gives me time to meander and talk to other guests at the private view. My pianistic skills can wait for a better, and perhaps better paid, occasion.

I've also recorded a short poem to video for the FOLD collective this week. I've no idea when or if or how this will be used.