Thursday, August 08, 2019

Poetry and Ink

A busy few days. First, a good night at the Peterloo Poems by Manchester People on Tuesday night, at Manchester Central Library, sponsored by The Portico Library, with the ceremony mastered and organised by Paul Morris. Deborah and I were scheduled near the end which made the event more difficult to enjoy, my concentration before my performance was focused on my lines and act, but there was a mix of poems from the 18 poets; many political, a monologue, two which involved singing and one with a bit of audience participation. Members of the audience were invited to read at the end and these were on equal terms to the scheduled performers. Here's a photo of my Rusty Saxon piece courtesy of the Poetic Prince, Anthony Parker.

Deborah read and sang Janus Never Blinks.

In the day I finally completed the China Syndrome video, and yesterday uploaded and scheduled this for YouTube. It will premiere on September 7th. Then I started ink illustrations for Deborah's forthcoming poetry collection. This will take a few days.