Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Masculinity Two

Another long sleep after a very busy day yesterday. I've completed a high quality render of the Fly in Amber video and scheduled this on the Mark Sheeky Music Channel for a Thursday night premiere. I spent a long time wondering what days and times might be best for video premieres; so now, painting talks will go live on Wednesdays at 8pm, art videos (usually ArtSwarm videos) will go live on Mondays at 8pm. ArtSwarm episodes, as ever, will go live on Fridays at 8pm, with the Premiere option, and now music videos will Premiere at 8pm on Thursdays, starting on this Thursday, August 22nd with the new A.I. video.

After that, some initial Masculinity Two filming and conversion, which was time consuming but necessary. This video is complex, and I decided that a look like the artwork would be nice, so I will try to match this look in live video. In the afternoon, shopping for a secret graphic project and in the evening, making the sculpture for this.

Have been working on a first draft of the Masculinity Two video today. This is so difficult, but my plan is to assemble lots of test images and make a full length video in draft quality, then modify and modify; sculpting it like a painting from rough to smooth.

I'm full of art ideas and the desire to create, although I know that my work is ignored and of interest only to me. I must remain stoic and faithful, aiming to produce the best I can while I am alive. I am Merlin, clinging to a staff on top of a mountain in a storm. I must proceed from Lear to Prospero, and in doing, so I understand Shakespeare.