Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Fly in Amber Filming

A good day of filming, many planned scenes from the Fly in Amber video filmed, but the video as a whole has a lot of problems. There are three narratives; myself playing piano, a toy king and a toy princess ('the pencil king'), and Deb and I playing parts which mirror the toys.

Each part has a different and disjointed thread. Each is filmed differently, so the colour and tone balancing is different, which makes the results look bit a disjointed. Also, I can't move the toys to make them act but I really need to tell some sort of story with them. Normally I'd locate a dramatic point and build to it, but with music this isn't always easy, there are two in the music itself.

I must keep working at it. Identify problems, and try solutions. Act more, think, act, think.

I've spent the evening watching Avengers: Age of Ultron. I noted the special effects overtly, made me think how easy they were, albeit time consuming (perhaps in the realm of decades). These Marvel films are the most popular artform on the planet at the moment yet the narrative is effectively from the 1950s and 1960s. Anything they say about the current era is coincidental and mainly due to the fact that the films are set now, rather than conceived as 21st century dramas. They are post-world-war-two escapism and nothing deeper.