Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Single Artwork

I feel that the video is finally complete. There comes a stage in an artwork, at the end, when making tiny changes, where you become unsure if a change is for the better or not because the difference is so tiny. At that stage, either option is fine; it is complete.

First thing this morning I composed a piano tune for the ArtSwarm Children's Games, a second one, and added some strings and a flute this time. My incentive for this was that the film extract I chose had a few nice scenes left that weren't covered by the first video, so I've made two now.

After that, I got started on the Masculinity Two single artwork. I had designed an image already, but this didn't really fit the new look of the video, so I changed things a bit and made a new cover that does match the black, white, red look. Here it is so far:

I've designed some new Marius Fate text for the album too because I wanted a custom font, so I drew about 30 different signatures using Quink Ink and nib pen; truly the ultimate way to draw! I tried a few other pens, including a couple of Japanese Brush Pens, but none were as good as the my standard nib, a Leonardt No. 41, the only nib I use. I rely on it so much, I've bought 4 spares, just in case they stop making them!

I feel weak and tired today but very enthused, the joy of lots of jobs to do. This one single or album won't change the world. I want to make 10, 100, 1000! On we push.