Sunday, November 14, 2021

Sunday, DD Drive Woes, Final Track List

Slept badly and woke late, at 10am.

Started formatting the A4 and A5 poems and labels for Nantwich, but only got so far. I realised that four paintings I've just delivered to Macclesfield are set to be included in Nantwich (sigh). At least two need taking back because poems have been written for them, so I can't swap them.

Then I tried, again, to read or write some files to DD discs using the drives I have. I went to see Simon and asked to test the drives on his Windows 7 machine, but alas, this didn't work either. What an amazing collection of music he has, almost every album by every prog band, so it seems to me. He has an incredible knowledge and memory of all of it.

My plan for the drive now is to find an old computer (or someone with one) that might be able to copy over the files. I just need 7 discs worth. I've spent over £100 on the SY-85 project so far.

Tonight I've burned a test version of Secret Electric Sorcery and have listened to it carefully. It seems fine. Have made the final track list and assigned ISRC codes, the start of the long music admin process. The tracks are:

1. Hitler in High Heels
2. Teenage Dreams
3. Eyes of Pity
4. Be My Jesus
5. Passive Aggressive
6. Boring Ceefax Lift Music
7. Confidence in Kindness
8. The Misery's Hard to Take
9. Out of Date
10. Back When It All Began
11. Always in the Morning
12. The Ones We Love