Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Bowie Dream, Sample Auto-Loop Detector

I dream of being in a school hall or similar place. It was evening and there were stained glass windows, pot plants, and a few people. I was playing music there, with my synthesizer, or singing, or guitar, or something. A middle aged David Bowie walked in with a train of other people, including a blue man with white hair and sunglasses who looked somewhat alien. David joined me on stage and I enjoyed playing music with him. I felt honoured, awed, happy, emotional. Then I realised that it was a dream, that David was dead, and that the people were not real. I felt dreadfully sad at the realisation and wept, telling the people in the crowd that they were just dream characters. They didn't understand and tried to console me.

I spent the morning programming an automatic sample loop detector. It takes a section of the sample, then compares it with a future section, moving the second window through it, calculating how close the match it. If there is no match, it moves the first window along and keeps trying. It works amazingly well and can make either simple or complex loops depending on the size of the window and how closely the pattern has to match. This instantly speeded up my sampling of some of the MODX multisamples, and I managed to sample a few flutes and strings, and a piano. I'm unsure if these will actually be that useful... I have pretty good instruments already; but the auto-looper is a fantastic new tool.

I need to start creating. I have all day, full time, to create art, and I work non-stop and yet seem to produce so little.

Deb and I watched, somewhat appropriately given the news, The Death of Stalin. A somewhat brutal and torture-filled comedy, and probably accurate.

There are a last few days of the Neorenaissance exhibition left and I'm working on the collection details. I have too many paintings which need selling or getting rid of to make work for the greater works in my mind and ability.