Tuesday, March 01, 2022


A long and tiring day. I so want to work on new music but found myself sampling some sounds from the new synthesizer. This is a mammoth task, but some waves really need transferring if I am to use them in Prometheus. I sampled almost all of those in the SY-85, but this has about 10 times more (or 50 times more), so I'll have to avoid this 'rabbit hole' of possibility, but today's samples have been worth it, and will be useful for years to come. The SY-85 sounds were and are so very well used, so a few days or even weeks of assimilating these will be worth it in the long run. I do, however, ache to be creative. I might have to program an artificially intelliget auto-loop point detector.

The take down for the Nantwich exhibition is looming but I still can't plan it, waiting for several people to get back to me with possible times, possible actions. Very frustrating. Deborah and I seem to be the only people who are reliable with basic details like dates and times. I'm getting increasingly annoyed at the rudeness and laziness of those who say they'll do something of get back to me, but don't. It seems to be almost unheard of these days to have anyone actually do as they state.