Thursday, July 06, 2023

Lights, Where Is Love?

A tired day, and struck by anxiety at a nearly serious powertool accident. I really need better tools, and must remain on my guard.

Drilled the holes for the light fittings today, and recorded vocals and did a little work on a very gentle, plaintive, gospel-chapel song called Where is Love?

Where is Love?

of the future,
from the void of the past, I ask you,
where are you going?
and who will care when you get there?

Where is love?
When there's nobody like you.

Where is love?
When you haven't a voice.
Where is love?
When your actions mean nothing to the world.
Are you feeling ignored?

Who is there?
In the patterns in the wallpaper?
Who is there?
In the dew-soaked hedgerows?
Who is there?
In the dark, dense woods? The moonlit maze?

Who is that statue, these statues? They are weeping... For me?