Sunday, December 27, 2020

Dream of Radiation and the Bent Key Spy

Slept for nearly 12 hours with many vivid dreams.

At one point I was part of a two man team. I was in a basement or cellar of a strange building, perhaps like the angel tower in the second part of His Dark Materials. I was given a bent and rusty iron key by the other member of this team. The key had a long stem which spiralled, a square spiral. I knew that the procedure we had to do was connected to radiation or some dangerous, mysterious effect and that, for some reason, I was the only person who could use this key but I didn't know what it was for. The other man was some sort of spy or agent and he had obtained these special items secretly. There were other items to be used in this procedure but I can't recall them all, a box was involved which worked like a microwave oven. There were two other men there, keen to observe the events, one looked a bit like Sigmund Freud. I didn't really understand what I was doing. The objects were placed under perspex, a row of about fifteen squares, gloss black. The ones on the left may have been white. Gradually the row disintegrated, the ones of the right disintegrating more vigorously, via this radiation.

Later, I was at home downstairs for some reason and had to go to my room to get vitamins. I was terrified to see my dead grandmother walking up and down the room wearing black sunglasses. I grabbed the vitamins from the cupboard and ran downstairs, then awoke in fear.