Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Jabberwock Single Art

More work on the artwork for the Jabberwockys single, I can hardly believe I've spent over a week on just this, almost as long as writing and recording the music. After some photos of the model:

I decided to try to add some essence of the written word to the cover. A plain photo seems too simple, and it looks too much like a model. The card suits reference Alice in Wonderland, and the diamonds the Apocalypse of Clowns album.

But that seemed a little over complex and strange, somehow the head rather than the rest of the model was too much of a focus. So I tried a new pose and eliminated the text, then added it back. I added lightning for drama:

Then removed the text, and added it back in part, and made the title and artist text white on a darker backgrond. I also mader a few alternative colour versions. Here is the blue/cyan variant:

But the green background seemed to work best. Here is my preferred version so far: