Thursday, April 27, 2023

SFXEngine Updates

Sigh, the slow plod of art. I feel more able than ever in every area of creativity and creation, yet seem just as frustrated with my work, and everything seems to be moving far too slowly. What can we do but our best each day?

I've spent today updating SFXEngine for a future Steam release. This has been on my to-do list all month. SFXEngine, Prometheus, and Argus share many common elements (SFXEngine was, in 2004, a branch of Prometheus itself; Argus was a code-from-scratch that used the same GUI code, and shared other things like modulator processing). SFXEngine hasn't been updated much in recent years, so many of today's changes are to bring the program up to speed to my modern standards; better checking for start-up/shutdown, adding new features (like 32-bit float support for wav files), a large and growing list...

The hard work for a Steam release will be a tutorial, manuals, new artwork/branding, videos, that sort of thing). I spent far too long working on Taskforce only to sell less than 5 copies so I'll try to avoid too much work on this, but SFXEngine is a different and far more powerful beast than any game. It was on sale briefly with The Game Creators but it was too good - it can make great sounds so easily that the resulting sounds were worth more than the software itself. Now it's time to sell the software again. I've put more time, work, skill, and genius into Prometheus, Argus, and SFXEngine than anything else I've ever programmed.

I'll see how much more I can do tomorrow, but even my scheduled updates will take a few days. Today is also an IndieSFX sale, and the start of a Radioactive sale too, so those things needed some promotion.