Tuesday, April 18, 2023

We're Very Worried About John

Two days of painting, rather slow and arduous. I completed the Argus update yesterday and spent most of the day working out future art plans, pondering structures of groups of paintings.

Years ago I came up with an idea 'We're Very Worried About John; the title a phrase my father has spoken a few times about an old television or radio programme. Here's the idea sketch:

I started it working on it in 2019, but it stalled at the basic stage of deciding on a size. Last year I finally decided to make it and found a tiny panel, 305x255mm, then made up a drawing for it, then traced it over. All was set apart from a colour study. This year I should have started to paint but again, I felt unhappy with it, the size, the look... something. So yesterday I dug it out and resized it again, this time for a 400x300mm panel and drew it out, adding a few more elements to the composition. I changed the 'fire' in the figure to a burning woman, and added a male face to the right. There was a sloping cross-like arrangement that seemed to point to a gap in the top right, so I added an upside down cross, representing a gravestone (most of the crucifixes in my work represent graves, not Christianity).

Today, in a few hours of sunlight I painted some of it.

It's a holiday week for Deb, which means less chance of work for me as I partake in social activities, these interferences with my art which only cause me anxiety and unhappiness! But we must sometimes acquiesce to society. So, little chance of continuing this for a few days.