Thursday, June 11, 2020

Fear Of The Thing

Recorded the first vocals to Fear Of The Thing Itself today. The singing was energetic and complex, there are many layers here and the process took an hour even with good preparation. I'm pleased with my singing, but all of my songs before 2019 had one flaw; I paid no attention at all to the vocal range or comfort, and this one is either low or high. I can sing many parts an octave higher but it never quite seems to feel right, it was just not well designed. I could, of course, rework it now and pitch it all up, but I probably won't because I'm used to hearing it as it is. I think this song will take a while to craft.

I'm feeling a little lost, trapped by fate. I am reminded that we ride the rapids of life and any attempt at steering or battling against the flow is merely an illusion of control. We are never in control; our quantum mind can imagine control, and this grants us the illusion. Yet, fight we must pretend to do.

Law and order seems to have broken down, with companies and even local government taking actions based entirely on popular opinion on social media - unregulated social media, the real problem for the world, just as unregulated press were the problem at the start of the 20th century. The two months of social isolation and restrictions, fear of a virus; these things, I think, have caused riots and anger more than any other factor. It seems that the world has become paranoid, vindictive, mad. Britain seems to be undergoing something like the Chinese Cultural Revolution; mobs destroying art in the name of progress.

Speaking of China, yesterday I signed my first international book deal, licencing the exclusive Chinese rights to my book 21st Century Surrealism. It is by far my most popular book, and, now I think of it, my most popular creation of any sort except for Flatspace, selling more, to date, than any other game, book or music album.

The rapids await. I will work more on the song tomorrow, then on the rest of the album, then on more albums, more films, more paintings, more expressions of humanity, more observation, introspection, creation, more of the best things I can.