Monday, June 08, 2020

New Paths

A good day, managed to record 'The Arm' completely, and feel a new path in music. I've also recorded lots of new vocals for 'Since You Kicked Me Out'. The contrast of works is strong; 'Since...' is a very standard rock song which could be a chart hit, while 'The Escape Angels' is surrealistic. I'm unsure about combining such extremes, but this alone is exciting, different. I feel most excited about the experimental and surrealistic works, but 'Since...' remains a great song filled with positive energy too.

I can see a new and clear path in music. In my paintings, I like polish and finesse, it is the subject that is key. What is said is always more important than how. I'm not interested in shock tactics or extreme effects, the message should define the content; raw when needed, not when not, so it will be with music. I've listened to a lot of so-called avant-garde and strange music but not much of it seems particularly strange or cutting edge to me. I can almost see a whole new world, untouched to explore. This feels exciting, and my goals of learning more about the technical skills of vocal audio production are making great progress. I feel ready to focus on different songs and soundscapes, but all must be of the best quality.

I have more vocal layers to record for Since You Kicked Me Out, and everything for Fear of the Thing Itself, too. I have some other song ideas about biological matters. I feel able to create tens or hundreds of albums. Onward we march. I may be obscure at the moment, but I know the value of my work. I must always focus on quality, learning, scrutinising, comparing with the best, pushing for the best, and the better.