Friday, February 10, 2023

Album Tweaks Continue

More work on The Golden Age today. Rendered the final tracks and updated my Cathedral Limiter. Now it can be easily switched on or off, so on only to give a track a final boost for mastering, but at a 'normal' (sub-clipping) level during normal work. I also recorded some more backing vocals for Rembrandt, some pretty choirs for the word Saskia.

I also spent some time trying to generate some noise for a possible ITR-468 volume monitor. I had the idea of creating some Analysis Engines, these would detect certain statistics and could send the data back to the program via a pointer in the Song structure, so things like spectrum analysis or volume levels. This is currently done separately, not using plugins.

Also, work on finalising track names, lengths etc., and more work on the cover. I'm not happy with the noise level of the main image, but it's hard to do much about it... the main option is to add more noise of a certain sort. Work finalising the cover is starting to delay progress. I've scored two more tracks too today, so 5 of the 13 Golden tracks are scored.

The first draft of the album is complete. Now, to listen to it and check everything. I can't spend much time on it and I'm keen to move on.