Monday, February 27, 2023

The Golden Age Spotify Canvases

A full day. Made a few more changes to Radioactive, just in case, to stabilise the screen resolution iterations, then took a video of the game to test the screen recording options on this PC. Windows 10/11 ships with a 'game bar' which is actually a useful screenshot and screen recorder, so I took a few videos and uploaded those. The game is rather fun to simply watch.

Then work on the Spotify Canvases for The Golden Age, which I hope can be used for a few full-sized videos too. I had to create a new 'infinite' chessboard 3D object, using my Hector tool, which meant registering the ComDlg32.dll with a fancy command. Then creating the object in Lightwave, and texturing it in my editor (a 3D Editor and Texturer in Visual Basic 6, one of the many tools I've made and used myself due to necessity).

Then I cut up the main cover artwork painting, so I could use 'my' looming face and the painter. This worked quite well. Then work on the other videos. For The Girl with a Pearl Earring, I used the Mauritshuis image (a shame I can't credit them in these tiny looping animations, but I have on my website). This is the only gallery which permits free use of its artwork, so all of my images come from them. they lack The Laughing Cavalier, and Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window, but I can use many others, including a good Rembrandt self portrait, and a few by Frans Hals. For 'The Girl', I made her blink with some clever (if painstaking) photoshop work on the Argus texture.

Then I started to make a model Tycho Brahe:

He's made from a folded sponge wrapped in sack-cloth, and hot-melt glued. The hair is string painted yellow, the eyes and nose polystyrene. He looks more like van Gogh than Tycho Brahe, yet, the metal nose is a giveaway. I could gold-leaf it! I may use him for a full music video.

I won't spend long on any of it, I can't afford the time/money, so I must do my best with extreme time and budget pressure. This rarely makes the best art, but it can, and, in the general wide world, much of creative life is done like this. Bless my genius and ability to do this! My speed and efficiency is thanks in part to my software. I'm aware that perhaps nobody on Earth could do what I do. How many musicians have designed and programmed all of their own music software, all of their DSP algorithms, and the 3D animation software for creating music videos? I'm also aware how worthless these skills are considered in this abominable world; but perhaps one day I can sell the software, or can at least try.

I want to complete all 13 videos by the end of tomorrow.

I'm still waiting on Steam for information on how to add a shared depot to Radioactive, and, amazingly, after a full week and about 12 messages, Soundmouse still haven't fixed the problem preventing me from uploading my music there. All they need to do is delete some of my uploads, which I'm not permitted to. The fix should take 2 minutes.