Sunday, February 12, 2023

Final Draft of The Golden Age

Another full day. The album is, I think, complete! I've adjusted the cover a little:

Those red lines seem to be needed to give the image some framing, the balance between organic and inorganic, order/chaos, wasn't quite right. I've designed eight other print-quality pages for the artwork, but they are all quite simple. Here is the CD rear (if and when I made a CD):

With the final track list. I was in two minds about the capitalisation of "Welcome to my Gallery". Most songs capitalise "My". It looks visually neater with a small "my" but I'll use a capital, to be more technically correct. I also checked the lyrics, listened to the streams right through to proof them, and typed up the lyrics book. I noticed that I'd called Frans Hals Franz Hals, or even Franz Halz, throughout development (and over the past 13 years!) so I fixed that today.

I've also finalised the scores for the 12 songs, although the score for the instrumental Nature Morte (which was a live improvisation on the synth, it really captured the mood of the evening) isn't done. That will take another couple of hours.

I've made a tick list of what to do, and my there is a LOT of work on each release. My release plan grows with each release. In the past I've made all the artwork, and the tracks, and lyric videso (myself reading the lyrics on YouTube) as well as one or two music videos for highlight tracks. Now I make lyric pages, and the full score, and will schedule releases on BandCamp... but ideally I need read-lyrics videos, plus lyric videos which pop up the words, and as many actual artistic music videos as possible. I also need to make looping Spotify animations.

The workload is massive, and I have to do every part myself, be a master of music composing and the poetry of lyrics, singing and piano and guitar playing; recording, mixing and mastering; DSP programming; video editing; as well as graphic art, and a host of other things... I'm fortunate that I can do all of this, but it means that everything takes a long time.

Deb is on holiday next week which means less time for work.