Tuesday, June 27, 2023

A.I. And Celebrity, Prometheus v3.11

A slow and unsatisfying day. I wrote the melody for 'A.I. And Celebrity', an odd song musically. I started with some descending and ascending chords, then added more melody than my initial sketches, trying to add more, making it the best I can. Musically, it reminded me of the Kate Bush piano songs from the Phoenix years, melodic in an odd and surrealistic way. I'm not entirely sure if  I like it; so, if not, I need to identify why and keep working. I spent hours sequencing the basic melody with a simple bass, choosing an electronic saw-wave bass for a change.

Frustrated by the interminable progress and insecurity over the music, I went out to get some fittings for my art-light design, using the opportunity to take a walk. When I got back, I did some programming; two little changes to Prometheus. One stopped the keyboard being active when the program was in the background. This has been a long term problem, dating right back to the first version in 2002 (it also affects SFXEngine and Argus), and has at last been fixed thanks to a simple WM_ACTIVATEAPP check, all down to help from Rod my SFXEngine tester.

Then, more work on the song. I added some 'chorus' to the bass and doubled the beat, and it now sounds like the intro to Kim Wilde's Kids in America. I'm unsure what I want from the song regarding production; electronic, naturalistic, surrealistic...

Overall, the day has felt slow, tired, lacklustre; but then I always feel that. I must remember that I only need to move one tiny step forwards each day. I seem to work constantly for nothing except fatigue, perhaps even slipping backwards, who can say? I must, at least, keep working every day. The rock needs to roll.