Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Prometheus Updates Continue, A.I. And Celebrity

More updates to Prometheus today, added a new 'Random Pan II' effect which uses a 'Shell' component. The sum of the left/right channels are multiplied by a factor as the sound moves from the centre. Typically this is +3dB or +6dB in many panning units. I can specify this (or set it negative) for various effects. I took the opportunity to update many plugins, changing default units, no time for special effects.

The work was to supplement 'A.I. and Celebrity'. I changed the melody slightly, from an initial EEFG-CC to GGABb-CC, which made it sound darker all round. I changed the bass slightly to add more of rock (tango-like) rhythm and this basic feeling was used with an oscillator-synchronisation instrument, on the initial verse, which now has almost a Gary Numan feeling. Tiny changes; but sounds a lot better than yesterday, ready for more layers. I'll add guitars and perhaps orchestral instruments to a grand chorus. The words have changed a little too.

At 1:30 Deb and I went to visit John, a pleasant social distraction. Despite taking a tablet, and the cool weather, my hayfever is now making my eyes itch and burn furiously.

Tomorrow I must work on SFXEngine promotion and Steam and IndieSFX sale admin.