Saturday, June 10, 2023

SFXEngine Update

My list of jobs grew as I painted, and today I've updated SFXEngine with some more changes prior to launch. The biggest changes concern the G.U.I. and initial layout for different screen sizes, so it should now more intelligently choose a layout. There were a few things in the manual that needed changing too, new keyboard keys... lots of little things.

The most time consuming part was replacing all of the icon, label, and text-box types with defines. This has already been done with Prometheus and Argus, but not here. Defines make it easier to add new boxes (or types of icon for example), which I hope to do for a future update. Well, the changes, on this hottest day of the year so far, took until 6pm.

My brother is visiting and a thunderstorm is brewing. Time to rest and plan for another busy tomorrow.