Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Glazing We're Very Worried About John

A strange mix of a day. I started by filing our memory photos from 2020, an exacting process. I didn't feel like doing much, a little lost and unguided, but as with every day, worked constantly anyway. I was reminded that the mood of Mozart, Leonardo da Vinci, or Beethoven on any particular day did not matter to the world, nor did their thoughts on any particular day: only their actions.

I tinkered with music, adding more to My Baby's Non-Binary; a good song, as much hit material as anything I write. Of course, it won't be a hit any more than any of my other song were hits, but I like it as a song.

In the afternoon I painted a little more of We're Very Worried About John, a glazing layer to the sky:

The glaze is very transparent and delicate, as is the whole work. I'm increasingly disappointed with Michael Harding oil paints. They are advertised as 'buttery' but are more like olive oil, and the oil is badly yellowing. Still, for some colours I prefer his to alternatives. The only colours of his I use are Raw Umber, Naples Yellow (titanium antimony chromium oxide, that is (not genuine 'Naples'), called Naples Yellow Deep by Winsor and Newton), and Venetian Red, but even that latter is now so very runny and poor that I may switch.