Saturday, December 23, 2023

Amp Maintenance

A day of tiredness and persistent stomach pain, which has continued for about 24 hours now.

few jobs done, but I managed to service my two Behringer 150W amplifiers. The main volume knob has crackled for some years, so I finally bought some contact cleaner and sprayed them, which seems to have fixed this. The main inputs crackle hugely when touching the cables even slightly, so I cleaned the input sockets and tested everything. It seems that the 3M mic cable was at fault, so I've replaced this, and shored up the connections to the main 5M cables with Polymorph. This may help or not, but these cables are probably the problem as the violent crackling when moving the cable doesn't seem to occur when I use a mixer (or other cables!). The Polymorph fix appears to be solid, though ugly looking.

I generally feel to tired and ill to work. Onwards we march towards Christmas Eve.