Monday, December 18, 2023

Videos Complete

A short work day today, managed to complete the Cycles videos. I could spend longer on these, as ever. There is always a trade-off between time and quality, a limit when it must be called finished. So, six Spotify Canvases have been completed, and a main video for Cycles III. One last change was adding a film of a candle being lit at the start, this was inspired by the album artwork. I removed the moon design, and added a new 'golden ring' object for the brass instruments.

During this, I contacted Spotify about my erroneous 'strike'. The operator said that these strikes were an aspect of my distributor, Distrokid, not Spotify:

"Distrokid chose to present you with this material explaining their 'three strike' policy against artificial streams. Spotify did not produce these materials, nor do we require you to engage with them."

Of course, I have no control on how my music was or is streamed. I have never paid for streams (and never would, it's a stupid idea on every level, who would want 'fake' fame!?), never authorised any streaming artificial or otherwise, and never requested music promotion of any sort with anyone. It's odd that I, the artist, would be punished for my music being streamed by third parties that I have no influence or control over. Well, the efficient and helpful Spotify customer service agent made a note of my case. This is the best I can do.

Most of the day was spent on social Christmas trips. My big day of the week is Wednesday with a 'forum' about my mural design in the Market Hall from 12 to 3pm, then the Artistic Echoes music performance at 20:30 in Macclefield.

I need to start a new project, a new album, new paintings, a new book.