Friday, December 29, 2023

Nightmares, Effervescent

A disturbed night. I awoke with a nightmare of Kate Bush and Pet Shop Boys singing the latter's song 'Heart'. I felt ill when I woke, as though my blood pressure was very high, flushed, my digestion blocked. This discomfort lasted an hour or so before I drifted back into sleep. Then, a second nightmare. In the latter part I was some sort of warrior or defensive organic robot, battling with a friend in a martial art. The ally, in this training, became more violent, and pinned me down. He hit my left arm in the bicep which hurt a lot, then he pummelled my arms until they were smashed and bloody. I was helpless. Then he bent my head to one side and did the same to my face, his fists rotating in a high-speed blur to smash my mouth and nose to a literal pulp. My body was left a flayed mess. I awoke in this terror to stomach pain, though my feelings of being 'blocked' had thankfully gone.

I slept again and woke more peacefully past 9am. The day started, in this late and slow state, by refining and completing Ponderous Tomes, then started work on Effervescent, which uses mock orchestral strings and flute in a manner like the Infinite Forest album. The tune is only about 90 seconds long. I've largely stuck to the score, the live version we've performed a few times. This dates from the post-Clown-Face era where I began to compose specific melodies for sections of words, rather than play 'general moods' to the whole poem.

The Candle Burns is the only remaining track that has an extant music plan, and that a simple one, coming from the moods period. It's essentially four descending chords, but uses this to dramatic effect by breaking into a solo at the climax.