Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas 2023

Awake with an unexpectedly severe I.B.S. flare up for most of the night, with constant twitches and stomach pain. I managed two hours of poor sleep, and two nightmares. The first, being chased through a maze by a demonic creature, very like something from the film Pan's Labyrinth. In the second, the back garden was a flooded lake which led to North Korea, to which I tried to secretly escape in a dinghy.

The Christmas Day was calm, nice, if a little empty. A few little gifts were opened and I spoke to Deb on the phone often throughout the day.

I spent an hour or two completely recoding the sample trimming option in Prometheus, simplifying it hugely. It now seeks for the first point above the threshold, then the last point from the end backwards, copying the newly trimmed total, then fading in towards those points. Loop points are adjusted too, and other simple checks, such as for samples which never rise above the threshold. It works much better than yesterdays, which tried to fade from those threshold points rather than towards.

Christmas lunch, cooked by my mother, was at 2pm, and was lovely. Deb's trifle, which I collected from her house yesterday, was a triumph too.

I wrote a few downbeat songs in the night, one about my stomach pain which is rather good, but would need to be part of a series.