Saturday, December 16, 2023

Cycles Videos

A first day of steady work in some time. I started on the Spotify Canvases for Cycles. These are simple animated videos. Pretty, and perhaps too simple for full length videos in a loop. They are inspired by the cover artwork.

I also started on a full-length version for the new Cycles III track, where the sparkly light objects correspond to the notes. This is essentially a reworking of the painstaking Challenger video, but now happily done using Argus. Much faster to create, and better looking most of the time because I can move the camera and do all sorts of fancy effects. It needs, ideally, more reality, more chaos and less of the cold perfection of computer graphics.

It is very pretty though, and reminds me of my old computer graphics from 20 years ago, images like Embrace and Conch. Not a coincidence, as the root images for those images and this animation are the same light flares. Those renders from the early 2000s have served me well over the years. This is, exactly how imagined the music. A circle of piano notes, but I had also planned (and filmed at one point) butterflies; and perhaps myself playing the piano would improve it. Each choice is tested and kept or eliminated. Creation is always a slow process.