Thursday, January 27, 2022

Kyrie, The Eternal Dogma Vocals

A full day layering and editing the Eternal Dogma and Kyrie vocals, over 100 layers each. They sound much better than the earlier draft. Then, work on the Kyrie music itself, a complex production but much more easily managed by my skills now. One key to a complex production is handling the bass, avoid lingering basses, fading bass, reverb, echoes. The bass needs to remain clear, then everything else generally with the bass cut, depending on whether the voice needs it or not.

This editing and layering of vocals took many hours, but I've also launched three more sets of sound effects and publicised today's Lunar Sale on Steam. Burn of God is broadly on track; the main job remaining for a complete first draft is recording the God Infinity vocals.

I must work on the Heart of Snow artwork too. My plan is to use images from a certain tree named 'Hail Mary'...