Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Otesanek Lyrics, Lighthouse Case

A nice full day today. Started by recording most of the vocals to Otesanek. This is a complex song vocally, there are different bits in different voices. The delicate lines: "All I ever wanted to be was a Christmas tree with its pretty bows and bells, and its flashy blinky lights of joy but the forest told me no!" are high but delicate, which is always a challenge. I've sung these in falsetto. Most of the words to this huge song are complete, as in the production. Here are the full words:

Mud and straggled hair,
eyes crazed in the moonlight
of the woods.
Hacking at the soil
just like the witch had told her.
Just like the witch had told her!

All she ever wanted was a baby
but her body told her no!
What is a woman to do?
What is a woman to do?

A glint of golden root
to drag back home behind her
like a dog.
Seems it has a taste for meat,
just like the witch had told her
Just like the witch had told her!

Eating up larder
Eating up the house
Eating up the street

All I ever wanted to be was a Christmas tree
with its pretty bows and bells,
and its flashy blinky lights of joy
but the forest told me no!

There goes the cat!
There goes the teacher!
There goes the policeman!
There goes his mother!
Mother! Mother! Mother!

A flash of silver
in the hands of the stern
old woman.
Hacking at the tree
just like the book had told her
Just like the book had told her!

Out comes the cat
Out comes the teacher
Out comes the policeman
Out comes the mother

I'm in the forest,
I'm a tiny shoot
of shivering green.

I also completed the box/crate for 'An Octopus Finally Killing A Lighthouse Which Is Assumpted Into An Angel' - here it is:

These are quite simple to make with 3mm HDF (or MDF), but pretty sturdy. After this, foam and a lid are screwed down.

After that, work on the vocals and putting them in the song. The first results sound just fine. I'll add a few more layers. This album/sonata won't be released, appropriately, until around November.