Friday, January 07, 2022

Yellow-Violet Sky Alien Invasion Dream

I dream I'm in a tower block with my mother, there are a large windows on both sides of the bedroom. One looks out to a blue sky, and I've taken a photograph of it on a tablet device. The other, on the tablet screen, has a misty, mars-violet-yellow ochre sky and the photograph I took is 3D or some sort of moving image. I look out of the window to the violet sky, white clouds are gently moving. There is a huge image of scorpion in the sky, stylised like my old Scorpius Software logo, casting its arms over the world.

I look down to the muddied ground, a few trees, roads. There are a few people, seemingly in distress, some like zombie automatons. The country seems to have been invaded by aliens or a malevolent force. A humanoid robot, something like Robbie from Forbidden Planet but more human in proportions, moves towards the front door of our tower block. He raises a claw to bash at the door, eager to come in and capture us.