Thursday, January 13, 2022

Neorenaissance Proof, IndieSFX Revamp

A busy couple of days. I completed the first draft of the Neorenaissance book yesterday and have ordered a printed proof. Here is the cover:

I need to consider the text for the back, though I expect few people will be browsing for this in a bookshop; it will be purchased by knowing art and poetry aficionados.

Today I've started to revisit my IndieSFX sound effects library. Back in 2002 this was one of the first of my online enterprises I set-up, along with Cornutopia Software, and the review website Bytten. For years I've sold sound effects there, but the website hasn't had any sound effects on sale for months. I've been meaning to do something about this, but with over 50 sound packs and between 10,000 and 20,000 sound files, the workload of processing these and preparing them for any new outlet is huge.

Today though, I started, and have put my first few sounds on a new page for IndieSFX. The first sounds are free to download (with optional donation) and consist of the IndieSFX Loops, which were seamless 8-second sound loops, both musical and environmental covering everything from rain and wind, to factory sounds, to little jingles. These are merely a start and my next job is to work on new artwork and text for the main library; the 50+ sound sets need images like this:

This may take weeks, and I'm unsure at the moment if I'll do it all now or merely do some, but it feels good to charge into a project of neating, sorting and making efficient. Ideally all of my work should be 'out there' somewhere, art, games, sounds, music... so this is one of these occasions.