Sunday, January 16, 2022

More Sound Work, Neorenaissance Proof

A very busy couple of days finalising the new listings and website for the IndieSFX sounds. The 54 items in the back-catalogue are now listed and prepared.

The Neorenaissance book proof has arrived and had two very minor errors. These are corrected so the book is ready to go. I've contacted the poets and will contact the museum when it next opens about some copies for the shop. I'll donate one to their archives.

It's been a busy January, and a very busy week. Now I'm slowly moving back into creative mode, actually, I'm aching to work on the important job of art, and must complete the Christmas sonata, and the Burn of God re-recording. I've got a few new audio effect ideas too, and must tidy up the existing sequence files, remove any unused effects to make room for new ones.