Sunday, January 23, 2022

Sundays, Burn of God Guitars, Directions

A slow day today, as Sundays often are, a disruption to the normal flow. After yesterday's singing and productivity, I unconsciously prepared for a slower and more restful day and the awful tragedy of this occurred: a mistake! At every hour and break (I stuck at least to my regular break and mealtimes) I aimed to be reborn. This continues.

The Heart of Snow project is mentally at an end, this is one reason for slowing, like the slowing of a runner at the finish line, but, like an Olympian, I must power through the line and remind myself that there is still a lot of work to do, the artwork, the paperwork, videos, etcetera. I work best when I have many projects at once, so charge into another.

For Burn of God I have recorded the guitars for Great Grandfather's Song, which was good technical practice. I think this is the first instance of me playing a pre-written guitar solo to time rather than improvising. I also prepared the dubs for future vocals for that. Though it's less than 2 years since the first version of the album, so much has changed. I didn't know my vocal range or capabilities then, or use the correct octaves for backing tracks. I also reworked the bass, and started work on God Infinity, the most complex track. That has a lot of guitars, backing riffs, and all will need playing accurately, no room for invented solos here, so it should be good practice. I must relish this work. Life should be about growing, learning. I'm a natural philomath first, polymath second.

I feel a little directionless. I need something else. One minor project is to tidy up the old song files and plug-ins, which will make room for new ones. This doesn't matter to the world now, but, of course, the results will ultimately be new and better music.

It is a time of reflections and directions.