Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Neorenaissance Setup

A busy day yesterday after a needlessly anxious night. It was installation day for Neorenaissance at Nantwich Museum and, despite being one of my larger exhibitions, it very really well thanks to an excellent and efficient hanging team. It is a best-of-times and worst-of-times, as my first exhibition at a public museum takes place at the height of a pandemic. All live events are cancelled and visitor numbers will be, one way or another, limited, but it is better, of course, to stage an exhibition now than not, and the museum are wonderfully supportive. So much in Britain remains curtailed.

Despite this good event, I feel slightly battered by life at the moment. The computer had some hiccups a few months ago and now aspects of my life and body are hiccupping too. Fate weaves its river and we must accept its course.

I'm continuing to work on the book and have other things that I'd like to get finished in January. These months must be a time of Neorenaisance; new rebirth.