Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Final SFXE Tweaks, Marius Notation, Prometheus v3.08

Two rather slow days. My hand has been unbandaged and is healing well but is still too onjured to be used much, so I'm restricted to computer work this week. I can type today for the first time with all fingers! Much of yesterday was spent out with Deb, shopping and other such little jobs.

I did however test SFXEngine further and today made some requested changes to the artwork. I can't have logos or text or GUI elements in the branding, so the look is now much simpler than before:

There are a lot of graphics needed for Steam, so that work took a couple of hours today. Then, I sequenced a few chords for a song 'Everything that you think is important is not important', about how most worries, if not everything in life is ultimately insignificant. The tune, for what it was, was in my head this morning as I woke, but I've still not sequenced much of it, merely a few starting fragments of composition. Why does my music take so long now? Am I simply more impatient? Of course, I want to push harder, do better, so this will always take longer.

One other job I thought of was notation, I have a LOT of albums to notate. I want to notate all of my released music, this long-term record may, one day, be all that's left of my lifetime of work. I started to work on the Marius Fate album and found a bug in Prometheus, introduced with the last update, so spent one session fixing that.

I could easily spend a day or two just tidying the Prometheus code. The updates to SFXEngine illuminate possible improvements to make here too, but is this productive? I should be painting but don't want to strain my wounds for the next few days. I'm, again, wrestling with too many options.

I must do something important, good, do my best - but what is that! I feel like a fly darting from fruit to fruit, but not sipping from any. That would make a good painting, if I could stand still enough to do it. My stomach hurts. My thumb wound hurts. I feel on an anxious edge, but, yes, am doing some things, at least.