Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Paintings Done, SFXEngine, Hand Cut

Completed the portrait yesterday, though it needs a little work. I struggled for a long time to mix some colours I was happy with, colours can be a problem when painting from a monochrome source. Then started the process of listing SFXEngine on Steam.

Then I decided to cut a mount for last year's painting, The Wheel Of Attraction And Repulsion. I completed it fine, but while cutting the card in half to throw away, the trivial part of the exercise, the snap-off blade slipped on the shallow metal ruler and badly cut three of my fingers. The middle and index had the nail cut through, and the bone stopped the knife going very deep there, the index finger a neat vertical slice from tip to the PIP joint. The fleshy part of my thumb was cut rather deeply though and across the nail too. There was a lot of blood and I'm blessed that Deb was free and willing to take me to hospital to get the wound dressed, which took a sprightly 3 hours on a light day at the friendly and efficient A & E.

I can't use my left hand now for at least a week, so this means a cancellation/postponement of Saturday's ArtSwarm. The next date Deb had free is July 15th, so a long wait for the next one.

My activities are now limited by my injury, no piano or painting, but there is a lot I can do, and give thanks that the rather horrific injury wasn't more serious.

Onwards we march.