Saturday, May 20, 2023

More SFXEngine

Another full day of SFXEngine work. The final builds were created and tested in Steam, though there is a lot more to test. Art for all DLC and updates to IndieSFX. That website will be the official website for the program.

My hand should be 80% healed. My teeth still hurt and may now for all time, thus is the state of dentistry at this time in the history of this country. It's fortunate that I'm a fan of Beethoven, given how similar our health systems are.

ArtSwarm Tea is rescheduled for July 15th. On we slowly sigh. Lives are full of ups and downs but my seems to consist of downs or further downs; hopes of an up or a respite, but, ultimately, another down. Yet, I have much to be thankful for, and life enough to act with, to create with, to help the world with. Onwards we roll our rock.