Sunday, May 14, 2023

Tea Sonata, A.I.

Spent all of yesterday working on the 'Tea Sonata'. I rewrote all of the 'first movement' - a rather grandiose title for something so short and so simple, but the new version is much more tuneful and more fun to play. It does, in an odd way, evoke tea, a 19th century browny image seems to appear on the bouncy parts at the start, though it starts a dark like the Moonlight Sonata, then becomes tea-like, then drifty and dreamy. If it has a connection to tea, it is thirst, dreams of a drink, hope, but very much in a distant dream.

The second movement is a furious dash of arpeggios which I can't play and don't know how two; a descent of triplets that then move up one. Of course I can move my whole, hand, but this isn't efficient. Is there a way to slide into the new place? Perhaps not.

I need to do more, more creatively. I spent time yesterday thinking about artificial intelligence. A new A.I. revolution is dawning and this will exacerbate the schism between the 'online world' be that social media, YouTube, steamed music, e-books, and the 'real world'. In short, everything online will be worth less and less; monetarily, artistically, informationally, emotionally; and everything in the real world worth more. Perhaps, after the initial impact (10 to 20 years), the two worlds will integrate more.