Sunday, May 21, 2023

SFXEngine Testing, Japanese Beetle Hunting

More final testing of SFXEngine in Steam today, though a slower day than previous days. Apart from marketing (and friends testing it and Steam approving it) I think I'm ready to go for a release.

In other news it's now 5 days since my hand injury so ready to remove the bandages. By chance, I did a cursory check on UK notifiable pests, and I'm sure that yesterday, while in the garden, I saw a Japanese Beetle. The colouration matched, I remember at the time that it looked like a chafer, but I can't be sure if it had the key white setal tufts (I think it did, I noticed a furry fringe around the shell at the time and thought it odd). Today I can't find the beetle at all, so can't exactly notify.